There are two songs that can emotionally wreck me and both are associated with people I only went on a few dates with
I don’t know shit, but I think this means I’m not over those people. Not even my ex did this to me.
If this makes sense, the thought of willingly subjecting myself to this feeling again seems awful but the crying kinda helps. Fuck
Yup, this almost describes an exact situation I was in with someone I’m still having trouble getting over :/ I’m not exactly sure why we were not compatible, but I think it had a lot to do with my mannerisms and how I interacted with other people (which is unfortunately a crucial factor I never thought about). I just look at them and see them as more normal (first thing that comes to my mind) even though I know that’s a bit silly to say because how exactly do you gauge normalcy?
I guess what I’m struggling to comprehend is that if everyone experiences this, why does it seem to feel so heightened/different?