EDIT: i now see the glaring problem with this thread- it assumes proletarians (white ones especially) are mostly reactionary and won't advocate for their own class interests. further, he only addresses two types of americans, the radlib and the white reactionary. this thread is almost entirely unhelpful to people on this site who are in neither category and consistently fight back against libs and reactionaries alike.

also the term "synthetic left" was coined by calep maupin, a patsoc and genuinely revolting person

a better tweet than this would have been "radlibs appropriate the struggles of marginalized people to distract from the struggle of the working class, but the material conditions of the working class are affected by structures like racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. 1/2" "Therefore a mass communist movement must focus on improving the material conditions of the lower classes, but especially to those most oppressed under capitalism"

this was quite the struggle session

Thank you to everyone who shared their input, you guys are the best :soviet-heart: communism will win, love you all

PS read some Mao

  • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
    2 years ago

    thank you for the explanation. i think i was missing a lot of the red flags in the original thread and expressing my prejudice that white lumpenproles are automatically reactionary. on second glance this is pretty elitist of me. i really dont like patsoc types and they seem really reactionary to me but this thread worked on me sadly.

    this struggle session has been very helpful for me :soviet-heart:

    • Ideology [she/her]
      2 years ago

      No worries. Most of the time when I post I direct my internal monologue at lurkers rather than the OP. I'm glad you're not too overwhelmed by the backlash, lol. I just don't want people reading this to get the wrong idea about "the poors" because it's kinda obvious most people on hexbear don't interact much with extreme poverty.