Is it? I dunno, honestly. Obviously it's dehumanizing, but is it actually racist? I don't think this counts as a racial slur, it doesn't have the history, but I also don't know enough orc lore to argue. Seems more like a nerdy version of calling people barbarians...

Either way as a Russian I've waited long enough for us to get our own n-word analogue that only we get to say.

The tweet .

  • NPa [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The Russian Troll is a bard subclass with a specialty in sowing dissent :hillary-disgust:

    He can pose as any well-meaning Bernie Bro, and has several tools to create chaos and division, like mentioning that healthcare is a human right or that cops shouldn't murder so much.

    He gets -4 on all rolls if his opponent has a :vote: sigil anywhere on their person, and can be banished to the Depths of the Kremlin for 1d6 rounds if the words "Nice try Vlad" are uttered in their vincinity.