It was long distance.... we would talk for like 8 hours a day sometimes. One time we talked for 14 hours out of the day. (Had phone sex a few times)

And then poof I long on today and she deleted her telegram account.

Right after giving me a huge list of book reccomendations and everything. To read and listen to

She did speak about getting worried we were getting romantic for each other too quickly and that we were getting too invested in each other. We had a connection she said but that I should focus on my drug treatment and her on her studies

I just don't know why she randomly deleted it... the only thing I can think is that she knew that's the only way she could stop us

Hurts guys it really really hurts. I'm about to cry

  • Sopje
    6 months ago

    There’s no way to know what went through her mind. It can be extremely hurtful when someone decides to cut contact like that, but for the person that is cutting contact it can be hard to see things that way. It’s easier to just ghost someone than it is to explain someone why you want to cut contact, because that way you aren’t confronted with the fact that you’re hurting someone. On her part it was a shitty thing to do.

    At the same time, she wouldn’t cut contact if she felt as strongly about you as it seems that you feel about her. It’s possible that she felt trapped and didn’t know how to tell you. It can be very overwhelming and scary to know that someone feels strongly about you and she might not have known how to deal with that situation. At least it’s a sign that she is not interested in having contact with you, and the best thing for you to do is move on, as difficult as it may be. Sorry that happened to you, as I said it can be extremely painful and it may take a while for you to recover, but you will heal and you will find other people that will matter as much to you as she did.