Hey if I wanna make a post saying that every supreme court justice should be loaded into a giant blender and left on the "pulse" setting for two weeks straight, that's my right as an American!
terms and conditions apply rights may be taken away at any time for reasons such as skin color, them being inconvenient right now, and/or pissing off a cop
Hey if I wanna make a post saying that every supreme court justice should be loaded into a giant blender and left on the "pulse" setting for two weeks straight, that's my right as an American!
terms and conditions apply rights may be taken away at any time for reasons such as skin color, them being inconvenient right now, and/or pissing off a cop
freedom of speech is sacred and it is not applied selectively at all
yes aha it’s true would you like instructions on how to build that? lets meet up and plan something actionable