:capitalist-woke: month is over :deeper-sadness: .

  • Hoodoo [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    I just can't buy into this 8-D chess where stopping corporations from flying pride colors for one month a year somehow improves the position of gay people in the world. Anything that normalizes queer culture is good when the alternative is not having that happen.

    The conservatives will be very thankful they no longer have to have gayness shoved in their faces for a month every year! That much is for fucking certain.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      It's not about the conservatives it's about capital coopting and deradicalising the ability of a social movement to affect any further change. Accepting corporate pride means kneecapping our ability to get further improvements.

      • Hoodoo [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        Why not just get radical anyways and if the corporations stop supporting it, then just don't give a fuck about that?

        Ultimately, I much prefer world where young gays can see a world that at least gives them token support, rather than demonization and hatred. Growing up in the South like that is horrible, and I want every advantage for the new generation we can possibly claw away.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Because normalisation of corporate pride means normalisation of money in pride. And normalisation of money in pride means normalisation of pandering to the sources of that money.

          The end result of this chain of events is handing over organisation of pride to the people who make money instead of the people who are effective at progressing the goals of the movement.

          Corporations are incompatible with radicalism because anything radical is almost always unpopular until after the radical movement has effected change. If you have corporations anywhere near the driving seat, or wielding the money that goes into these events, you water down the movement.

          This becomes very obvious when you realise that corporations would not support kink at pride, and how much kink at pride is "debated" by liberals who seek to coopt, water down pride and make it into a family event that makes money and generates tourism for whatever city it takes place in.