how can this living ridicule be real. there so many comments there i can only hope are sarcastic.

you can click if you want to laugh and also die inside:

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    3 years ago

    Hey, anyone got a list of non-ableist replacements for the r-slur? Cause what a dunderhead. "When is it encumbent on me to switch the name and pronouns I call someone who was once a woman(following intense transphobia dropped )?" WHEN YOU FIRST LEARN ABOUT IT, NUMBSKULL. You know, like any name or name change. Change it to a young woman becoming a bride and he'll piss and fart everywhere about anyone calling her by her maiden name if they know she's a wife, but now he suddenly doesn't understand. Or explain the story of Sauk of Tarsus becoming St.Paul and he'll condescendingly explain the life stats change shown by the name change. I know he's being willfully ignorant and stupid because he doesn't respect it, but how do people who believe him on the surface level not realize if he isn't lying he must be stupid? Isn't he one of those respect freaks who passes out if he isn't called mr, and still throws a fit cause he's a doctor? But respect doesn't matter for the accomplished and beloved Elliot Paige, because he's younger and queer. Proof positive, like we needed it, respect just means prostrating yourself and peeing when a "superior" in the "natural hierarchy" comes along. To fix academia, one must simply look at jbp and figure out how to make sure no one like him can ever emerge again.