I love this game. It has completely enthralled me. Since starting a couple years ago I have probably thousands of hours sunk into this 8-person DDR MMO. The story is one of the best of any FF game, too. I just started getting into Endwalker EX fights & Savage raiding and it’s a blast. Let’s get a polycule cadre going or something!

  • Ivysaur@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    I am for better or worse married to PF and I dread when the time comes for ultimates. I like being able to prog on my own incredibly manic or anemic schedules; herding cats is a skill on its own. *removed externally hosted image*

    • lorty@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      PFing ultimate is definitely doable, so long as you have a lot of time to wait for fills and tons of patience.