
  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    4 months ago

    And people still think the tiny, literally under an actual old-school military siege country is the "aggressor" for digging in and maintaining its defenses, while the besieging empire that conducts annual "hey remember that time we leveled your entire country and killed a quarter of your population? Good times, we should do it again sometime!" mock invasions at their border is somehow "defensive."

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    4 months ago

    important to note the dates on these stories if you're trying to guess which was a response to the other (took me a second so noting for the all the other less-observant ppl among us lol)

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Ah, but you see NATO was responding to threats such as *checks notes* not dismantling their nuclear program like we asked.

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    4 months ago

    Boosting readiness for what? A birthday party?

    Wow, so turns out that the past seven decades of US-Korean relations have just been one big My Little Pony "Party of One" esque miscommunication. News about the north of the peninsula gets so distorted because it has to pass through two language barriers and the censors of Treehouse TV!

  • CarbonScored [any]
    4 months ago

    "bolster their readiness against North Korean nuclear threats".

    Precisely what drilling are the military possibly doing that would "bolster readiness" against a fucking nuke? Just straight up misinformation.