i GeT tHaT yOu WaNt To SaVe GaZa, BuT i ThInK iT’s MoRe ImPoRtAnT tO sAvE aMeRiCa. OuR nAtIoN iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DeMoCrAcY iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DoNaLd TrUmP iS tHrEaTeNiNg To DeStRoY tHiS nAtIoN pLuS, hOw MuCh SuPpOrT dO yOu ThInK gAzA wIlL gEt FrOm A tRuMp AdMiNiStRaTiOn? DoN’t FoRgEt ThAt TrUmP sHuT oUt ThE pAlEsTiNiAnS aNd OnLy LiStEnEd To ThE hArDlInE rIgHt-WiNg GoVeRnMeNt Of NeTaNyAhU dUrInG hIs PrEsIdEnCy (SiC). tRuMp SlApPeD pAlEsTiNiAnS aCrOsS tHe FaCe WhEn He ReCoGnIzEd JeRuSaLeM aS tHe IsRaElI cApItAl.

  • silent_water [she/her]
    7 months ago

    it did bring energy and purpose to the left last time around. there was an unreported clash between the fash and antifa in my city where a force 1/5 the size of the fash (maybe 1/10) managed to corral and ultimately route the fash with nothing but shields while occupying the police in a wild goose chase. that kind of thing just doesn't happen any more. rallies with thousands of people in all black and prepared to throw down were routine until Biden took office. part of it was a successful discreditation of the leaders of those rallies by more liberal factions, but the air seriously got sucked out of the room. so I don't really care about the libs ability to organize -- we kind of went on ice and we're only just starting to thaw because of Palestine.

    the next round of clashes will be much more severe and we will absolutely need to iterate and improve on the tactics we learned last time. my dearest hope is that we can build a real org this time to preserve the momentum.