They break the fascist notion of a perfect, all green lawn. There can be no colors, all must be uniform. All else are weeds and must be destroyed by any means necessary
there's definitely something there suburbia seems built around a postcard of a nuclear family having a barbeque with short grass and a dog and anything that breaks with that image must be ruthlessly cut out and removed. Somehow they don't understand that spending time with your family is no longer pleasant if you're spending it ruthlessly and obsessively trying to force your family to fit into a specific image of the family you saw on tv once
They break the fascist notion of a perfect, all green lawn. There can be no colors, all must be uniform. All else are weeds and must be destroyed by any means necessary
the only colors will be the rainbow yard sign that says Hate Has No Place Here
there's definitely something there suburbia seems built around a postcard of a nuclear family having a barbeque with short grass and a dog and anything that breaks with that image must be ruthlessly cut out and removed. Somehow they don't understand that spending time with your family is no longer pleasant if you're spending it ruthlessly and obsessively trying to force your family to fit into a specific image of the family you saw on tv once