Could you at least PRETEND to care about accuracy in reporting? It took me five seconds of reading to realize the HACK who wrote this 1. Doesn't care about bees and 2. Doesn't care about the bee lovers. TRUE bee fans across the world are literally ABUZZ about this announcement, because this is the first time Stripius hivicus (Latin name for bees for the uninitiated) has had it's own dedicated exhibit at a class 4 or higher zoo (San Diego Zoo, or SDZ for short, is class 6), since, well, EVER. The SDZ has been promising bee guys like me a dedicated FULLY HIVE-TRON EQUIPPPED exhibit for years, and, while we're still awaiting full ISO 4520.2 HIVE-TRON compliance, frankly every bee-head knows a Pepsi can will do in a pinch. Also, Google is free--it would have taken you literally twenty seconds to discover that "Bees: A bug found in most places" isn't a random, lackluster descriptor of the exhibit--it's the BEST KNOWN QUOTE by Sir Colm Hemsley, KBE, in his amazing monograph "What the Devil is a Bee?" which is the Royal Society of Bee's most downloaded monograph of 2018 despite being OVER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OLD.
As if the world needs YET ANOTHER lynx exhibit. Sorry, not all ZGs (zoo-goers) are 5-year-old children gawping at over-rated felines while demanding the family go to the gift store and buy some light-up dinosaur that has nothing to do with the zoo itself.
good comment on the article: