My obama-medal response to this weapons-grade gish gallop:

Tiananmen square massacre

their genocide of the Uighur people

This bullshit never ends, does it?

their oppression of Hong Kong

Hong Kong was the product of the UK’s century of Chinese oppression, and their 99 year lease on oppressing Hong Kong ended in 1997.

steal Taiwan’s sovereignty

Taiwan is only considered sovereign by eleven countries, most of which are micronations like the Holy See, the Marshall Islands, and Tuvalu:

was a bigger crime

    10 months ago

    Having both on hand is probably better. Sharing both at once (here's a full version and a shorter edited version if you don't have the time) would be best by far, them refusing to watch a 1 minute edited clip shows their ignorance, and they can't fall back on the "it's edited and therefore fake" if the full unedited version is right there.