You have $ to put towards stickers. In 5 words or less what's on it.

"Let's end capitalism"

"ha kill your landlord ha"

  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    i would go with something like "the problem is capitalism" since its almost certainly true for whatever problem a given person is currently worried about, and i think its something many people are at least subconsciously aware of and thus maybe kinda willing to engage with

    i see a bunch of stickers around me with stuff like "anarchist communism now!" and i admire the effort and the spirit, but people just laugh that sort of thing off without ever engaging with it and im not sure its the best use of their energies

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      i don't think most people would see capitalism to mean their relationship to their labor. Most people (in America at least) identify capitalism as trading things or a generic term meaning greed. So they wouldn't engage with that either.

      Most people might respond better to something like "your boss is a parasite" or "demand higher wages."

      • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
        2 years ago

        How much does the boss keep?

        With pictures of :porky-happy: and sacks with dollar signs on them