• hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Obligatory archive link

    “You’re in a fight for your life, so you should be serving — not at 25 or 27.”

    He also urged Ukrainians not to base their decisions to join the military on whether or not the United States continues to support them. “No matter what we do, you should be fighting,” he said. “No matter what we do, you’re fighting for you.”

    Absolute ghoul shit. Are we seeing the first few steps of abandoning the Ukraine by the US telling them: "go fuck yourself and die."

    • rafflesia [she/her, doe/deer]
      4 months ago

      Epic misgender, m'poster. You sure owned him epic bacon style for the win and my axe!


      I just downbeared your post


      What does this mean?

      It means in six days, you will die.

      Why would you do this?

      I think your post sucks and you can do better.

      • GinAndJucheM
        4 months ago

        The first non cringe use of that meme/pasts I’ve seen. Congrats