Beijing, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) China reiterated today its warnings to the United States about the approval of strong measures if the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, finally makes a postponed visit to Taiwan.
yyds: pinyin acronym for 永远的神 (yong3 yuan3 de shen2) “a deity forever,” mostly used for individuals but can be applied to institutions or things as well. This is a more recent one, probably the closest to “based” I can think of.
牛逼 (niu2 bi1):literally, the genitalia of a cow, it’s an exclamation for things, situations, or phenomena that are thoroughly marvelous and magnificent. This is a classic, kind of a National Swear Word.
yyds: pinyin acronym for 永远的神 (yong3 yuan3 de shen2) “a deity forever,” mostly used for individuals but can be applied to institutions or things as well. This is a more recent one, probably the closest to “based” I can think of.
牛逼 (niu2 bi1):literally, the genitalia of a cow, it’s an exclamation for things, situations, or phenomena that are thoroughly marvelous and magnificent. This is a classic, kind of a National Swear Word.
I love me some magnificent cow dick
In this case it's the bovussy.
谢谢永远的神 plov_mix :07:
Death to America