
Pretty gross. Comments every bit as awful as you're thinking. Just a reminder of the abysmal state of non-cishet rights and acceptance in Russia.

Edit: can't get my screenshot to load properly so text:

T1: Putin on accusations against Russia in the energy crisis: "European countries are big specialists in non-traditional relationships and themselves abandoned traditional energy sources in favor of non-traditional ones"

T2: ("non-traditional relationships" is the legal term in Russia for all things "LGBT")

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Anyone on this site who genuinely believes Vladimir Putin does "anti-imperialism" out of any motive other than supremely cynical, convenient, competing imperialist interest seriously needs to re-evaluate their stances and sources. Or, otherwise, go join the fucking Maupinite/Hazite clowns who are basically doing the most cringe reactionary shit imaginable, because they are your people.

    I say this as someone who has for a while tried to stay out of the dogmatic factionalist bullshit in favor of just shitposting when it comes to this site. If you've been suckered into believing a siloviki-dominated hyper-capitalist kleptocracy like Russia is a genuine force for "anti-imperialism", you've been fucking had in the worst way possible. Even the most mindless simping for modern Dengist China has a more rational basis.

    • Mindfury [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I can't believe that I need to reiterate that we shit on Ukraine here because they're filled with nazoids, not because capitalist Russia is "good".

      You do not, under almost any circumstances, gotta hand it to post-downfall Russia

      • LeninsRage [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Literally no one here is arguing that Ukraine is good, but the actual leftists (as opposed to national chauvinists) here are arguing that this is unmistakably an inter-imperialist war and not some convoluted "the invasion of Ukraine is anti-imperialist because Russia is on the imperial periphery of a super-imperialist bloc" bullshit argument.

        I'm someone who can absolutely advance arguments that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was caused by outside imperialist circumstances. But now that it has happened, and is actual fact? There is zero "critical support" of Russian aggression here. The only legitimate communist position in this scenario is for Ukrainian and Russian soldiers alike to turn their guns on their own generals. Will that happen? No. But that's the fucking position the Bolsheviks themselves took from the start, not some ridiculous stance about how actually the Kaiser was right to resist all along and criticizing the German war effort is bad.

        • Mindfury [he/him]
          2 years ago

          but the actual leftists (as opposed to national chauvinists) here are arguing that this is unmistakably an inter-imperialist war and not some convoluted “the invasion of Ukraine is anti-imperialist because Russia is on the imperial periphery of a super-imperialist bloc” bullshit argument.


          got some nerds in this thread saying that Putin is doing a heckin anti-imperialism and we have to work with him. The only thing i'd work with is a fucking icepick into his skull

          the only people deserving support in the fash on fash conflict are the workers and leftists having their unions and organisations outlawed by both cappie shitholes, and can only hope that they are able to organise and undermine both standing armies and execute all fash with prejudice

    • RedDawn [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Putin tricked us into thinking he was doing an anti-imperialism by checks notes doing an anti-imperialism. Damn, we've been had, we're such gullible fools.

        • RedDawn [he/him]
          2 years ago

          All wars are actually the same. Imperialism is when countries do things.

          • LeninsRage [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Of course they're not the same. Theres a meaningful difference between a civil war where one side is moderate liberals fundamentalist jihadist militias who will execute you for wearing the wrong color hijab in their neighborhood and a brutal minoritarian dictatorship who will shock your testicles until you admit to crimes against the regime for opposing them but are otherwise secular; and a war of aggression launched because the aggressive party feels threatened and wants to keep their sphere of influence (and capitalist plunder) secure from a superior competing camp.

            Yeah, there's context in between both of those, but at the end of the day that's what this is.

            • RedDawn [he/him]
              2 years ago

              and a war of aggression launched because the aggressive party feels threatened and wants to keep their sphere of influence (and capitalist plunder) secure from a superior competing camp

              Not even remotely reasonable analysis tbh. How do you feel about the DPR and LPR declaring indepence from the Ukraine after the US backed coup led to Nazis persecuting the Russian minority in the country? Since that's how this conflict started...


              feels threatened

              How do you analyze the credibility of the threat? Were they actually trying to protect a "sphere of influence" or protect their own security from an existential threat like, say, a rapidly militarizing state on their border run by Nazis and literally artillery shelling along their own borders?

              • LeninsRage [he/him]
                2 years ago

                Square me the circle of why the DNR and LNR secessions are legitimate while those in Dixie, Chechnya, Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong are not.

                • RedDawn [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  Any secession attempt brings into conflict certain ideals like that of self determination against that of national sovereignty. Some are obviously more legitimate than others, it depends upon the reasons for seceeding and how the people living in the affected area feel about it, I don't see how that is even controversial, but I asked specifically how you feel about the DPR and LPR declaring indepence and holding territory over the last 8 years so I can better understand how you've come to the conclusion that Russia getting involved in that armed conflict constitutes imperialism and a "war of aggression".

                • pppp1000 [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  Taiwan isn't a secession. They literally claim the mainland, Mongolia and other parts as theirs. China freed Tibet from feudalism. HK was colonized by the British.

                  • RedDawn [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    Right I didn't get into each specific case he mentioned because he hasn't yet explained his thoughts on DPR/LPR which is what we were talking about but Hong Kong LOL nobody there even wants to break away from China, that's just completely misinterpreting the protests. Also Dixie "why is a bunch of slave owners trying to leave the country that looks headed to ban slavery less legitimate than people seceeding to not be murdered by Nazis hmm? Riddle me that ". This is the sort of thinking that idealism and refusing a principled anti-imperialist line leads to.