From the middle of the article:

The Fortune report claims that Kickstarter’s controversial plans to move theplatform onto the blockchain in 2022 - which were met with no shortage of backlash from creators and consumers alike, and triggered an exodus of creators to rival platforms - came in the wake of a secret $100 million round of investment led by a16z, the crypto fund of venture firm Andreessen Horowitz.

I can't believe I'm going to ask this really dumb question here, but, err, umm...

...What's blockchain?

Hides behind shield.

  • DinosaurThussy [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Blockchain is a data structure. It’s immutable, which means once you write to it, it can’t be unwritten. It’s distributed, which means it exists across a network of computers instead of just existing on one. And it’s public, which means everything written to it is readable by anyone who gets a copy of it (in other words, it’s not encrypted or kept a secret).

    In my opinion, there’s no project using a blockchain that wouldn’t be accomplished better with a different data structure which has different characteristics. But obviously crypto fans beg to differ.

      • DinosaurThussy [they/them]
        2 months ago

        Libertarians have clearly never normalized faulty data entry work. Immutable data with no mechanism for fixing mistakes? What a joke.