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  • tomullus [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This reads like a 'how do you do fellow kids leftists'.

    Who gives a shit?

  • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Biden and his (admittedly tiny cadre of) strong supporters aren't moving left. Half of them barely use the internet, and the other half are so entrenched in their own class interests that you might as well try to convince the Tsar to cut his own head off. Use your energy to organize and educate the undecided and apathetic, because they're going to radicalize one way or the other and we'd much rather they decide "everyone deserves dignity" than "brown people are subhuman."

  • NationalizeMSM [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Moving Biden left won't do anything. First, it won't change his governing. Second, he won't move left.

    The question should be, what do we prefer:

    Slide into fascism with Trump, and a growing but out of power Left? Or step back from the edge of fascism with Biden, but with an emboldened neoliberal class of democrats in power? In the second case, the left will be visibly at odds with the neoliberals centrists. With Trump, the left will be sidelined as it is now.

  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Just the progressive protests continuing would cause a shitfit from them at this point. I don't care who wins this year anymore since if Trump wins he'll do fuck all despite all the "dictatorship" fears (never-mind that the house is controlled by a fucking democratic legislature) while making DNC establishment continue to look clueless and unable to do anything right. Like, losing to Trump once is a tragedy, losing to him twice is a farce. Meanwhile if Biden wins Xi will liberate us because the chuds told me Biden's a China puppet.

  • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    It's never too late to radicalize liberals, comrade. Get to work on Twitter, that's where they live. o7

    • NationalizeMSM [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Twitter has a nice trend going on now with #nocomradeunder1k and leftists are all trying to follow each other. Its good, and all of us should be there. On reddit we were semipublic and semi-private, in terms of exposure to the public. Now, this is a private space for us, and twitter can be our public exposure. Get on it comrades and unite with others. I went from 100 to 1200 followers last week! And I believe they're all real people who are active online. Aka quality followers.

  • PresterJohnBrown [any]
    4 years ago

    Yes. Yes. Yes.

    I sincerely hope Biden wins so we can spend 4 years bullying libs at how predictably shit he's going to be at doing anything at all. There will be no better poster child for their failed politics. His plans will be sold as returns to Obama era norms and their predictable subsequent failures will sandblast the varnish off that Obama administration neoliberal nostalgia before it turns into GOP-Reagan worshipping and we end up with Michelle Obama as the 2028 candidate.

    If Trump wins, they will continue to live in fantasy world where Obama was a prince and Biden his trusty and loyal companion.