PresterJohnBrown [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2020


  • Fun fact, those feral hogs are descendants of Hernando De Soto's hogs, which escaped from his expedition as it traveled around the Mississippi river valley civilization before accidentally (and a bit intentionally) killing it with the cocktail of plagues his men carried. The next explorer to the region was a century later and by then the entire civilization was gone, so we know very little about them.

  • That's actually what's happening, I've heard tons of stories of foreign English teachers who think the Japanese countryside is romantic and bought old countryside manors that otherwise would just get demolished since those rural populations are rapidly dwindling and houses in these towns are cheap. They fix them up and keep them traditional since that's the whole point of moving to the countryside and buying an old Japanese house. Edit: I googled and found a story about another couple doing this:

    It's not as much about increasing the birthrate, but increasing the number of specialized workers within Japan who pay taxes that support things like National Health Insurance, which will be increasingly burdened by Japan's aging population.

    Although, even in Japan's worst case scenario where rates had to hike up to support all the old people with the smaller younger working generation, I can't imagine that their healthcare taxes would be even close to America's regular healthcare costs. I paid $9/month for my first year in Japan since it's based on your previous year's salary, which was $0 in Japan before I moved there. The 2nd year, after pulling in about $30k in a year, was about $90 per month, still pretty affordable considering rent prices were also cheaper than what I was used to in the US.

  • Yeah it's almost like that was her entire job being one of the Gang of Four who got to see the full intelligence; to ring the bell if it was all bullshit.

    I think she made a calculation that if she kept her mouth shut and let it happen, she could vote no and let everyone else vote yes. Later, when no WMDs were found, everyone else would look like an asshole and Nancy Pelosi would always have something to bludgeon them with. I think it was House of Cards-level psychopath decision to secure your power in the House with the blood of millions. She probably didn't think it would be millions at the time, but she clearly didn't care how many it would actually be or she would have, I don't know, stopped it?

  • AKSHUALY, this year, after the Olympics, Japan was set to announce sweeping new immigration rules to encourage (wealthy, white, highly educated) foreign people to live in Japan. If you're American or from a UK Commonwealth country, and if you have a Masters Degree, you would have qualified for a 5 year residency visa with valid employment that can be endlessly renewed as long as you remain in good legal standing. If you have a PhD then it's even better, I think maybe 10 year residency or something, but I'm forgetting the specifics.

    Without saying too much, pre-covid I used to go on diplomatic trips to Japan every year to spend 2 weeks with regional Japanese government figures. Last year they let me in on this announcement before it was official, they were really excited to tell us about it. It was going to be related to the Olympics, kind of like Japan opening up more to the world in the spirit of international cooperation or something, but they've been planning it for a while as a means to pad both their stagnant economy and declining birthrates.

    It's not that groundbreaking of an immigration policy to accept PhDs from Australia for resident visas, but for Japan it was a big move. I'm not sure what the status of the plan is now since our delegation was cancelled this year.

  • PresterJohnBrown [any]tomoviesThoughts on Apocalypse Now?
    4 years ago

    Obviously an incredible cinematic achievement, but ultimately it fails in its surface promise to be an anti-war film. It's most poignant anti-war scene, or at least what it should have been, is the helicopter attack scene on the village. A line of Huey helicopters massacres an entire village of people fleeing to the epic diegetic soundtrack of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. On it's face, the scene should make one think of Nazis mowing down civilians from passing troop carriers, but instead the music overpowers the scene and it turns into a celebration of the violence one assumes the scene originally intended to condemn.

    I think the proof is in the pudding, look at the comments and try to find someone expressing horror at the scene. Everyone's having a great time watching the village get massacred because the whole scene is edited like a Wagner music video. FFC had a choice here, he could have made a horrific scene of brutality or an epic exhilarating battle scene and he tried to be too clever by half and do both, but instead we got an exhilarating depiction of a war crime that has influenced millions of soldiers who have seen the film since.

    I think Jarhead is more of an anti-war film than Apocalypse Now because it makes war look stupid, boring, randomly horrific, and overall a complete waste of everything, at the end everyone just gets a call that the war is over and they all expend their ammunition into the sky since they barely used it in combat. Jarhead has a scene depicting how soldiers react to Apocalypse Now's massacre scene and it's exactly what you'd expect:

    A true anti-war film cannot be mixed with rock and roll and also be cool. You cannot make war cool in your anti-war film or it ceases to be an anti-war film. You can make a fun film, you can make an anti-war film, you cannot make a fun anti-war film. The greatest anti-war films of all time all treat war the same way; it's boring, senselessly cruel, and leaves everyone broken or dead. This is how it's depicted in Come and See, All Quiet on the Western Front, Paths of War, etc.