Very normal country where the fash fucks are spreading news calling LGBTQ+ people as groomers but this is considered normal in their eyes.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    It's ALWAYS projection. A movement that owes as much to 4chan as American fascism is absolutely guaranteed to be full of pedophiles. This is actually why they believe in such obvious bullshit as the groomer narrative in the first place, they know they are like that and they cannot imagine anybody else to be better than them, as that would mean admitting they're the sickest fucks in the entire world. so when they have a harddrive full of CP, it's unimaginable to them that other people simply aren't like that. No, that must be virtue signaling, just as they can't imagine that other people actually aren't racist, actually don't have r*pe fantasies, actually don't want to gas the homeless etc. etc.

    this is exacerbated by the fact that whenever they see LGBT people, they are reminded there's people who are so much less neurotic and repressed about sex than them. they cannot fathom that somebody without their idiotic hangups is also less of a perverted sex pest than them. it would be too threatening to how they see themselves.

    • Ideology [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Whenever you challenge them they're like "how dare you have standards :billionaire-tears: "

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      An entire internet subculture that gravitated around jacking off to cartoon depictions of children created an entire spinoff subculture that gravitated around magic internet sleuthing in search of pedophiles everywhere except their own favorite authoritarian strongmen. :galaxy-brain:

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        2 years ago

        "Look, they're not children, they're actually historical figures from WW2 that are drawn in a way that focusses on moe instead of accuracy, but i wouldn't expect a bakka gaijin to understand the nuances of my waifu, rommel-chan." :stupidpol: