I understand that Animal Farm is a satire of Stalin and the russian revolution, but I don't understand the message that is trying to tell us.

The book is about a group of farm animals that is being oppressed by the farmers, so the animals, commanded by the pigs overthrow the farmers and the animals get in control but in reality is the pigs who end up controlling the farm and they are as bad as the farmer.

So to me the message is simple: "don't revolt, don't try to change the status quo, nothing will change if you try, so don't do it"

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Good writeup on it.

    TL;DR: Whatever the "intended message" and moral, the story as written essentially portrays the revolution as betrayed by the people being useless dumb sheep, who can not even learn to read any of them beyond the intelligensia. The manipulation as written basically boils down to "The farm animals(workers) are fucking stupid and cant understand basic shit, so the pigs make something up and that convinces them".

    Edit: Oh just saw this was already linked lol, anyways.