Lmao you can't be racist against whites you morons. Context and history matters when raciam is involved. It's not the same as being racist to non-whites so keep crying about your pasty ass being photoshopped onto cracker because it gives me life.
Also it's really, really funny
This isn't photoshop, this just happens when a white person holds a cracker in a faceswap app.
:crackercracker: should be an emoji along with :cracker: which is just him.
If a photoshop of your face on a cracker is the extent to which you are bullied, idgaf, you probably deserved it.
I know this is probably a bit/troll account but yes, this is unironically funny
its real https://youtu.be/a0jjJp6Vph0?t=64
edit: oh you mean the op user sry
Surely the bullying will get better now that he went and told FOX news about it!
"So that's it? After 20 years as a cracker, so long, good luck?"