stop it, hate them equally.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    i feel like there are two types of rural in America. there's the kind that's a glorified suburb about 50 miles away from a metropolitan area and there's the kind that's out in absolutely nowhere revolving around farming. The kind near the metro areas are just as bad if not worse than the suburbs, that's the kind I grew up in so I can talk about this. Nearly all of the few hundred people in my hometown are deep fried reactionaries and driving an hour long commute is seen as completely normal. The klan runs the police department. The churches have snake handlers. That place is an artificial existence built around letting white people have cheap property so they can be little small business tyrants running bait shops or burger restaurants and yell at their teenage employees. I can't speak for everywhere, but my tiny hometown is genuinely scary to be in if you're not from there, especially if you're not white. People will come up to you visibly armed asking you what church you pray at.

    The rural areas revolving around agriculture are normal and purposefully underdeveloped by capital. They don't deserve hate, because someone's gotta do it. If they're backwards or don't have proper infrastructure, that's a shame and shouldn't be held against them. They're also far less reactionary than you'd think from my experiences with them.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I also grew up in the “basically just suburbia but worse” and your description is 100% right. Trump flags as far as the eye can see, McMansions galore. The only agriculture is a small number of cow pastures.

      Mostly it’s exactly like suburbia except the houses are farther apart so that the small business tyrants can buy horses for their shitty kids and enough driveway space for their boat. Oh and it takes over an hour to get to a real city.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        There was a small amount of agriculture in my hometown yeah, like a few cow pastures and some pigs. One family though had a grape plantation and and a huge mcmansion. I remember them because they hilariously had an artificial lake dug out to the side of their property near the highway that was maybe 40 feet across at the most. They'd use it for jet ski races. Every Saturday if you were on the highway, you'd see two goofballs doing the tiniest little jet ski race in a tight circle.

        • cheeseguevara [they/them]
          2 years ago

          You are absolutely right about vineyards being tacky and digging those pointless artificial lakes and building disgusting McMansions. This kind of excess is why I'm anti-rural. With the money spent on that you could do significant renovations to a school or hospital. Collectivize farming man!

          • Lerios [hy/hym]
            2 years ago

            Comrade, most rural areas don't have any of those things, just the rich people "rural areas" near major cities. I'm in the absolute middle of nowhere, in a village of approx 200 people, and, while one or two rich bastards do move here occasionally (usually people who used to vaccation in the area🤢), most people here are dealing with the opposite of excess. We don't have heating or ac, many of us are living in trailers, i got thrown out of the last house i lived in because it being knocked down for "uninhabitable" levels of mold and the walls fucking crumbling. Our infrastructure is long gone. What you see on tv and tiktok is not the experience of most rural people lmao.

            But you are right that collectivised farming would be nice tho