‣ Behind the Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R3N1oeKbE4‣ Hexagons are the Bestagons shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/all/products/hexagons...
Yeah I think it might be fun to play, just don’t think articles should be written about the outcome and taken seriously
Absolute elite grift. Getting paid big consultancy bucks to play board games all day and have your journalist friends come over and write about how good the game is 👍
Have hexagons gone too far?
You mean like a military exercise with real soldiers and sophisticated computer simulations?
Roll a nat 1 and accidentally nuke London
If Xi completes the belt and road he gets five points for longest road.
I unironically want to play this wargame.
Also, fuckin' lol think tanks really earning their money by playing boardgames.
Yeah I think it might be fun to play, just don’t think articles should be written about the outcome and taken seriously
Absolute elite grift. Getting paid big consultancy bucks to play board games all day and have your journalist friends come over and write about how good the game is 👍