“The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea”
—Mao Zedong
Once the bases were fully operational, the groupings would begin their political work. It is vital that our guerilla forces not become isolated in their camps. For any chance of victory, a revolutionary force must move swiftly to build a firm relationship with the masses, in both the cities and the countryside. Without strong support from the workers and peasants, a people’s army becomes impotent and highly vulnerable to imperialist repression.
To achieve this end, the first task of a people’s army is to make its presence known to the masses. Our Everglades focos would accomplish this by planting red flags all over the wetlands, clearly marking the area as their territory. They could also install loudspeakers at strategic locations and blast propaganda that could be heard for miles. Modern renditions of songs from the Cultural Revolution could be played on the loudspeakers 24/7, which would do a great deal to raise class consciousness. Titles could include “Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New Florida” and “The East Coast is Red.”