The creepy part is that everyone in there is an actor and pretending to have fun. Kinda like what they did on Vice with the simulated Internet cafe— Mia Nyx 🇺🇦🇹🇼🏳️⚧️ (@fiendishMia) August 12, 2022
After the train leaves the terminal, it is disassembled and rebuilt on the other side of the tunnel (with different signage) to simulate another train entering the terminal.
Not sure if you're referencing this, but one grifter in Joe Rogan's podcast literally said trains in the DPRK take a month to move from city to city because people have to push them (?) until they die of exhaustion (??) so there are piles of bodies on train stations (?????) and this is why the people there do not know the word for compassion and can't grasp the concept of feeling bad for humans dying (????? ??????????? ??????????)
its also ostensibly a running subway
so like... why is it fake. it works
After the train leaves the terminal, it is disassembled and rebuilt on the other side of the tunnel (with different signage) to simulate another train entering the terminal.
The train mechanics are actors, too
But is it really the same train? :thinkin-lenin:
It has no power, it’s pushed by Korean children
Not sure if you're referencing this, but one grifter in Joe Rogan's podcast literally said trains in the DPRK take a month to move from city to city because people have to push them (?) until they die of exhaustion (??) so there are piles of bodies on train stations (?????) and this is why the people there do not know the word for compassion and can't grasp the concept of feeling bad for humans dying (????? ??????????? ??????????)
how do you not know her by name by now. she's the most famous grifter. the rats eat the people, and the people eat the rats
Too many of them to keep track off lmao
But I will concede that this is one of the funniest
And the bones are their money
she also said they only have one train stop. you can go on youtube right now and watch video footage of multiple train stops in nk.