Like carve out a place between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in the former Pale of Settlement. Establish a bunch of Yiddish language schools there. Have it become a center of Jewish culture. Sure, there are already Ukrainians, Russians and Belorussians there but there were already people in the far east too.

  • LeninsBeard [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Yeah definitely, and honestly I wouldn't even go as far as trying to do an analysis of who "really" should own the land (not that you're trying to do that, I know it's just to make a point). I think as leftists we should really be focused more on who is currently being oppressed rather than trying to figure out who is technically allowed to claim the land.

    Like, I don't support land back because native peoples technically own the land via treaties, I support land back because there are currently native peoples who are being oppressed and fighting to have those treaties recognized. Same can be said for Palestine.