Like carve out a place between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in the former Pale of Settlement. Establish a bunch of Yiddish language schools there. Have it become a center of Jewish culture. Sure, there are already Ukrainians, Russians and Belorussians there but there were already people in the far east too.

    • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Treat them the same you would treat any other minority group, ie allow them to be equal members of the same society. Casting them out into an ethnostate ain’t it, and if that logic was followed for all minorities we would have to fracture and balkanize the world into ethnic microstates

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Okay, Jewish Integration does have some negative ring to it in Germany, cause of the antisemitic tradition of this country. Often integration in that sense meant stuff which is more like assimilation or giving away everything that would make you look or act different. Just like the Kurds can attest to you not being allowed to speak your own language, to dress in the way you like etc. discrimination.

        I am with you with full legal protection for Jewish people, but honestly don't think that is enough. There has to be - as you imply with other minority groups - more than equal treatment, the law has to be anti racist as it has to be against anti-semitism.

        Is the law enough? I don't think so. In the case of a cultural tradition of antisemitism, pogroms over hundreds of years with little or no repercussion, the Shoa and a continuity to practices from the Shoa, thus continuity in factual law and continuity of persons in power, there has to be more than law. There has to be a practice or praxis and that has to be an antifascist and one against anti-semitism. Similar how it ought to be with other groups (ie Ovaherero and Nama).

        However I don't think that drawing a line from pure theory ("if that logic was followed for all minorities") is the way forward in politics in general. Besides the council communalists in Rojava do actually have something which isn't micro states, but which highlights the main culture of very small regions and yet enshrines protections in law and communal social practices for others.
        Furthermore I do believe that hate against other groups works easily only if there is a limited number that can be othered easily.

        Of course since I don't follow your line of thought and have that rift, doesn't mean I do support:

        to fracture and balkanize the world into ethnic microstates

    • Vncredleader [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Do what Napoleon did and stop legally disenfranchising them. Jews in Europe often still had dubious legal protections if any, even just ensuring they have citizenship and protection would be integration on a radical scale

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Any liberal state will take away their rights as soon as there are capitalist crisis and shift the blame towards "the other" and that means if election leads to right wing leaders of state sooner or later rights might be taken away (as we could see quite often even after 1945 in Europe).

        Since liberal parliamentary states don't seem to be able to stop antisemitism and the reaction.

        • Vncredleader [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I'm answering what they meant. Napoleon is the example of integrating Jews. No one here is arguing thats best or that can work in liberal societies without all the drawbacks