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  • Krem [he/him]
    2 years ago

    meanwhile the average white american says stuff like "yu brah, these shokes got totes stoked, godda jack the stack and split a goobie" or "dem dur cycliss c'n kiss m' hinder, mah bigg ohl truck dohn brayk for nu'nn"

    and let's not get started on strayans, kiwis or white sowt efrikens

    only ESLers speak decent english. i will also accept some native speakers such as jamaicans and kind-of native speakers such as nigerians and singaporeans. anglos should be forced to learn like high vallyrian on duolingo and then have to speak that for the rest of their lives

    • Vncredleader
      2 years ago

      Ok but that first example is almost entirely accent based, those are not word being made up. Its a different thing entirely