Powerpuff Girls managed to be bad enough to have several bad reboots until I stopped caring or paying attention to them.

Transformers started as a glorified toy commercial and even at its best didn't wander far from that, but the Michael Bay era almost killed my fondness for the setting and its characters. Almost. The Bumblebee movie seemed like a sincere apology attempt.

The bloated and unnecessary Hobbit film trilogy. :why-angel: Check out the short and beautiful Rankin Bass animated movie instead.

Most Disney live-action remakes of animated films sucked, but the Mulan one was especially insulting and utterly missed the point of both the literary original and the animated film that was a lot more respectful to it.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I sincerely admire the boldness of your take. For a very long time, KOTOR 2's been sacrosanct, both because it was darker and more morally ambiguous (which automatically labeled it as objectively superior at the time) and because of the contrarian fortune cookie wisdom of the main villain who of course has a massive fan backing that often talks about how profound her Rick and Mortyisms were even though she admits at the end that pretty much all her "advice" was deliberately distracting nonsense to keep you from actually getting in her way.

    Yes, people are allowed to like KOTOR 2. My issue is the dogmatic "if you don't like it clearly you don't understand it unlike me" takes, implying that liking it means completely understanding it and not liking it means not understanding it. Similar defenses were made for Bioshock Infinite, but the luster wore off more quickly there.