Powerpuff Girls managed to be bad enough to have several bad reboots until I stopped caring or paying attention to them.

Transformers started as a glorified toy commercial and even at its best didn't wander far from that, but the Michael Bay era almost killed my fondness for the setting and its characters. Almost. The Bumblebee movie seemed like a sincere apology attempt.

The bloated and unnecessary Hobbit film trilogy. :why-angel: Check out the short and beautiful Rankin Bass animated movie instead.

Most Disney live-action remakes of animated films sucked, but the Mulan one was especially insulting and utterly missed the point of both the literary original and the animated film that was a lot more respectful to it.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I also liked how the down-south good’ol’boy 'Murican on the show was not some blundering gun-nut toxic-masculinity-incarnate asshole, but instead was a brilliant engineer with a kind heart and an open mind who just wanted to see the wonders of the universe. Trip was easily my favourite character.

        The final episode of the show must have been pure :troll: to you, then.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Wise choice. It doesn't spoil much to say that it both does Trip dirty and does a Dallas-esque "and it was all a dream" twist but somehow worse.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They're both horrible to me, but I found Picard more directly offensive with its targeted nostalgia assassinations and "we said a naughty word, we are so mature" and gore-related P R E S T I G E T V gimmicks. Do elaborate on your own take if you like, though.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Lorca was a painfully standard P R E S T I G E T V "gets shit done" sociopath edgelord character and he name-boosts fucking :my-hero: . The only saving grace was the clumsy retcon that said he was actually the mirror universe version of himself pretending to be the prime universe version, which implies that :my-hero: is praised in the mirror universe which kind of checks out.