I used to assume this was just common leftist sense, but it seems I was mistaken, :the-more-you-know: so I'm posting this.

Fuck nazbols, no matter what LARPing they do and no matter how much they claim to be leftists. :sus-soviet:

I don't just mean one particular self-styled professional organizer that's likely currently working on their 5th "not an alt" alt account to continue sending me manifestos about how the "strong" (conveniently, and to their sick pleasure as a spectator) will surely crush the "weak" (presumably anyone that doesn't agree with them) and that "the mentally ill" (defined as anyone they don't like) must be despised, you know, for leftism. :silver-legion:

Both online and offline I don't recognize, accept, or tolerate any form of leftism that isn't intersectional and inclusive. By extension, because of the paradox of tolerance, that also means that nazbols can fuck right off. Any sort of so-called "leftist" future they dream of, where they jerk themselves off with self-serving power fantasies that exclude what they call the weak while goosestepping in Soviet military cosplay is not a future I want for myself or anyone I care about. :nyet:

It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that any organizing attempt that excludes "the mentally ill" as the aforementioned nazbol put it, or LGBTQIA+ people, or does any bigoted wrecker ideology under pretense of "removing divisiveness" :lmayo: :us-foreign-policy: can also fuck right off.

One more thing: "organize or die" becomes a destructive slogan if it is twisted into the nazbol belief that "the weak" must be ostracized for the sake of organization. Nothing of value will be organized if the organizers are grandiose hateful selfish assholes. :disgost:

Nazbols fuck off. :pit:

Edit: Removed some unintentionally ableist terms. The message is the same, and truly they weren't needed anyway.