I've always found the Uncharted 4/The Last Of Us/God of War 2018 to all be decent, but all those games are kinda lacking in imteresting gameplay and are basically the video game equivalents of "Oscar bait"

  • fanbois [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I'll die on the hill that dota (and Dota 2) are the greatest multiplayer games ever made. It's not stripped down, it just distributes the tension and challenge across 5 people. It's beautiful, it's complex, it's extremely rewarding for both solo and team play, there is soon much space for expressing yourself, every game is different and all of that for free.

    Sitting at 2 am with 4 friends clutching a victory from 5 other dudes after 60 minutes of struggle is about as emotionally invested as I will ever be in any game.

    So with a heavy heart I have to mostly agree. The toxicity in most solo queue games is unbearable. The fetishisation of esports hurt the game in many ways, even though the resulting competition is very beautiful. The culture around it deep garbage and it brings out the worst in people.

    I do wonder how much of it is due to the underlying stresses and atomisation of capitalism. And if a better culture could be shaped if the people who run it actually cared.