getting diagnosed with autism at 23 was the best thing that had happened to me in many many years and sure would have been nice if it was something I could have considered on my own

Also damn I wonder if there are race or gender disparities in autism diagnosis. Probably Not Fortunately

  • 20000bannedposters [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    If you're in your 30s all you missed was being labeled as ld, getting no help what so ever. Becoming disliked by the other kids as you get pulled out of class during tests and other subjects to get help, they all think you're getting the answers. Having drugs forced on you and in the 90s that means monthly blood draws to make sure the drugs aren't fucking you up. Your ld classes would of been in shared spaces with bd kids. Etc etc.

    Ld =learning disability

    Bd= behavioral disorder. The kids that do drugs at school and get in physical fights with their teachers