Any time I search something on the internet there is at least one result from Quora that is fash as fuck. Like every top answer is always some anti-communist or bio truth shit. Why are they like this?

  • cozy [she/her]
    2 years ago

    they absorbed the unwashed masses after the demise of yahoo answers. and the kind of people who hang out in what's become maybe the lowest-SNR backwater of the whole internet, answering questions to help some tech company make its billions, are people who don't really know anything at all but who still get a dopamine rush out of looking knowledgeable. so they just regurgitate whatever hegemonic discourse they've heard, and make it sound as authoritative as possible. hyper-individualism and bigotry are a perfect fit for quora because they're very mainstream and obvious while letting one put on airs of being smarter than the sheeple or whatever.