I love y'all, don't get me wrong, but I joined a weekly in-person DnD group a few weeks ago with some friends and that has done more for my mental and emotional wellbeing than this or any other website ever has.

It doesn't have to be a tabletop group, it doesn't even have to be a group, it can be one best friend that you're particularly close with, just get together with someone face-to-face and have a good time. Whether that's gaming, watching stuff or just plain ol' talking with eachother.

The point is: Get offline and interact with another human being.

Online friends are great, they are, but even today online shit just cannot compare to actually being around others and just doing...stuff together.

In conclusion: The general idea of "Touch Grass" isn't just a meme/insult, there's real truth to that shit.

  • Yurt_Owl
    2 years ago

    Just to preface i have irl friends but this post feels highly highly dismissive of how hard it is to make irl friends. I got lucky and kept the ones I made at school but making any new ones outside of the og group is fucking impossible. People are either a) assholes b) have their own lives and friends c) you just dont have the history they're not that invested in you.

    Here's the thing. If people could make irl friends they bloody well would have done already. Its like telling someone to stop being depressed or poor you think they want to be in this state?