I'm reading Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus about how the USA shifted to the right an unthinkable amount between FDR and Reagan. Obviously there are a lot of things that don't survive transposition across 75 years of political realignment but I am starting to think nearly all dems would find themselves to Nixon's right if they were sent through a time machine.
AOC is not right of Richard Nixon.
And your ignorance didn't tell you that Bernie has been an Independent since 1978.
If the OP had stated that Bernie was an independent, you'd still find a way to show your whole debatebro ass and come in here with some shit like "ahh but Bernie caucuses with the Dems so gotcha"
Post constructively or catch the
god you fucking suck
edit: looking at the rest of your comments you are authentically better than this shit, come on