War, Revolution and Peace. He told a press conference called "to correct misleading charges" recently made by Democrats that he thought there are a lot of students in college today who don't be- long there. "We are in danger of pro- ducing an educated proletar- iat." Freeman said. "That's dynamite! We have to be selective on who we allow to go through (higher educa- tion). "If not we will have a large number of highly trained and unemployed peo- ple. That's what happened in Germany. I saw it happen."
It’s behind a paywall but in archives on that date searching for “educated proletariat”.
War, Revolution and Peace.
He told a press conference
called "to correct misleading
charges" recently made by
Democrats that he thought
there are a lot of students in
college today who don't be-
long there.
"We are in danger of pro-
ducing an educated proletar-
iat." Freeman said. "That's
dynamite! We have to be
selective on who we allow to
go through (higher educa-
"If not we will have a
large number of highly
trained and unemployed peo-
ple. That's what happened in
Germany. I saw it happen."
Really cool and normal system that requires to to keep your people uneducated