What the ever-loving fuck! #streetdesignfail


  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Crosswalks in The Netherlands are basically on top of a large speedbump so it’s even with the sidewalk. For pedestrians it’s a flat surface the whole way, while drivers have to go up over a bump. Some even make the whole center section of the intersection raised, so the whole area between all 4 crosswalks. Often they’re also textured like brick or cobblestone.

    On top of the physical height forcing drivers to slow down there’s a psychological benefit, where it innately tells drivers they’re entering a space where they aren’t welcome. As a driver when you go up a hump onto a now rougher road, you go “wtf is happening” and pay much more attention to the road, instead of just going on autopilot.