I love this channel, and starting my day with this video, it put me into this amazing open-hearted place where I long to unite with others to build something better whereas I am much more prone, normally, to angrily wish to tear the capitalist's world down.
You crack me up, man. Hellworld exists because people made conscious decisions to make it this way. They aren't victims of circumstance. They knew what they were doing.
I'm not defending the people who did it, I'm saying that you should call them the self serving capitalist shit bags they are instead of labeling them by their generation. Newsflash: millennial capitalists aren't any better, greatest generation capitalists are just as evil, and if capitalism still exists in 50 years there'll be some gen alpha Bezos feeding workers into the Soylent machines.
Whining about generations is idealist nonsense.
Huge "not all men" energy.
lol u are very out of ideas
love my meme generational politics supported by shitty analogies
It's a fine analogy, Mr. Start my comment with "lol". Boomers are trash and so are their apologists.
yeah boomers are trash on aggregate, you're tripping if you think that means what this person said is wrong. actually believing in generational politics is a meme, capitalists can be any age. yes even infants I said it
Of course that's true, everyone knows that "boomer" doesn't refer to a person born between 1945 and 1965. It's a very specific person with a very specific world-view. This is why "not all men" is the perfect analogy to combat all you concern trolls. Also, it's not just capitalists that are the problem, but those who live privileged lives under the capitalist system because of their position in it. But you knew that already.
Saying "not all men" is a perfect analogy to "not all boomers" is like saying a 65 year old homeless woman also has the societal privileges of a wealthy person.
You just come off like you hate a certain class of people categorically and that you don't spend much time worrying about the details.
and people with this kind of position always insist they don't hate it as a category. and I often believe them, but I literally don't get what the point in speaking categorically is if you don't really mean it. it's just contrarian and counterproductive. really weird attachment to pointlessly bad optics that to me reads mostly as cliquishness.
There are humans born between 1945 and 1965 and there are "boomers". The 65 year old homeless woman isn't a boomer. No unhoused people are boomers. You're right in that I do hate a certain class of people categorically, but you're wrong that I haven't spent much time thinking about the details.
not all men is a normal response to people saying confusing shit like "men are predators". people don't usually mean literally all men when they say but it's unsurprising some people take it to mean that.
like we're on the same page here about boomers but if you say in public "boomers are irredeemable" a lot of people will take that to mean all of them. Cause in most contexts just saying a general group like that means all. Its just in-group signaling to speak in generalizations but not really mean it, because some people wont share your definition of men or boomers or whatever else
No, "not all men" is the response of immature men who think that because you're critical of toxic masculinity they need to defend themselves instead of listening to your concerns. This feels the same to me, like somehow we're more concerned about the feelings of the two people over 50 reading this website that aren't feds as opposed to the real harm boomers have caused in the world.
Generational politics is not a meme.
It fully exists right now.
It's absolutely a meme. Generational politics imply that boomer capitalists are somehow qualitatively different from gen x capitalists or millennial capitalists, that we can juxtapose capitalism with boomer characteristics vs capitalism with gen x characteristics vs capitalism with millennial characteristics. Outside of surface level aesthetics like fashion sense and use of slang, there's really not a whole lot distinguishing the three different types of capitalists. It's not like boomer capitalists are more likely to be industrialists or that millennial capitalists are less likely to pursue labor arbitrage.
Gates is a boomer, Musk is a gen x, Zuckerberg is a millennial, but they're all capitalists in the end. I was honestly surprised that all three belonged in different generational cohorts. Bezos exists on the cusp of a boomer and gen x, but no one would use this fact to somehow suggest that he acts like a cross between the boomer Gates and the gen x Musk like some Gates/Musk hybrid because that's a ridiculous thing to say.
beyond boomers tending to be wealthier than other generations (and perhaps more annoying), no it doesn't
Boomers are 10x more wealthy.