• Egon [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Come on. That's the same as a chud crying about being pasted in a bad light onto a wojak comic. It's a dumb meme, you should be happy your pfp made it onto one that someone made for a niche leftist website to chuckle at.

    Yeah I should be super happy to be compared to a fucking zionist, great compliment.

    have seen you tear into liberals for their bullshit beliefs

    Once again: Dunking is for chuds, not comrades. What of what I've written here is bullshit?

    I wouldn't have expected you'd be so weirdly sensitive to being on the other side of that equation

    Weirdly sensitive at being compared to a zionist, incredibly weird to be "sensitive".

    You weren't even the prime character in it, your pfp (pfp for christ sakes!) was pasted over the microphone of the original pic

    ?? Yes you used my pfp as a shorthand instead writing out a treatize like this. You compared me to a settler-colonial zionist and for what?

    I was calling you a nut

    Saying you think I'm crazy isn't better, and if that's what you'd wanted you wouldn't have used the template of a zionist. It's not a hyperfixation when that girl is famous for going to the Gaza rave and the other guy is a right-wing chud.

    well you both believe in nonsense woo that would make many spirit crystal chiropractors

    Point to what I believe that is nonsense woo. Quote it to me.

    I think you just focus on the zionism part because you're mad at me for making a mediocre niche meme picture and you saying that I'm calling you a zionist is a way to try to lash out. But nah, I wasn't calling you a zionist, I was calling you a nut

    I was mad at you because you used a meme template with a zionist and a rightwing chud where you implied I was a zionist. I am now mad at you for that and for calling me crazy.

    Bputting your pfp next to a picture of her, I didn't call you a zionist any more than I called you someone who appropriates black culture by wearing dreadlocks, and I think you actually know that.

    We both know you're bullshitting right now.

    has also followed this path of going down the rabbit hole of unsubstantiated spiritualist nonsense that "makes sense to her"

    Show me where I've written any "unsubstantiated spiritualist nonsense". Quote it to me.

    You happen to be lucky in that despite adamantly believing in wacky things that there is zero proof for and has been demonstrably proven false, you still arrived at the correct conclusions about politics, capitalism, imperialism etc.,

    The things I believe is specific things I have experienced as I have described them. Experiences other users in this thread have also described. Yet you call me crazy a nut. Fuck you for saying I'm lucky. This is what I described earlier about not respecting me enough to consider I might have done the bare minimum of thinking about things.

    You keep going in circles, reiterating that I am hyperfixating on zionism - while not acknowledging you're using a meme of a person who was famous for going to a gaza concentration camp rave and a person who is famous for being an astroturfed chud. You keep saying I believe in "woo woo spiritualism" despite me IN THIS RESPONSE AS WELL asking what about the TWO THINGS I'VE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED I've written in this thread are so out there that you would compare me to these people. You keep reiterating that you're not calling me a zionist, you're just calling me crazy a nut, and after just two paragraphs you also admit that yes you DO think I am akin to zionist with the zionist beliefs:

    I did know she uses her "spiritualism" as a justification for the dippy new-age version of white supremacy

    So you do know what you're implying and you should understand why I am "hyperfixating" on being compared to someone YOU YOURSELF calls a white supremacist. I'm not gonna read more of this disingenous drivel. At least stand enough by yourself to admit you did what you did. And if you didn't at least stand by yourself enough to apologize instead of playing the victim acting incredulous I am not flattered at being compared to a fucking white supremacist. Weasely rat behaviour and incredibly disappointing to see come from you. I'm not gonna respond any more in this thread and I think I'm gonna block you so I can ignore you for a while instead of starting some pointless flame war.