Yea the neoliberal race to the bottom. Compare Kerala to Modi's state, Gujarat which is basically ancapistan. A lot of wealth but only a few have it.
The fascist Central government also tries to make things as difficult as possible for Kerala:
THE Kerala chief minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, the entire cabinet and all the MLAs and MPs of the Left Democratic Front sat in protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on February 8. The sit-in was to highlight the central government’s discriminatory attitude to Kerala and the hostile actions of the centre to financially strangulate the state government. On the same day, big demonstrations were held over Kerala supporting the Delhi action. In various state capitals, meetings expressing solidarity with Kerala were held.
i've been reading about this, non-BJP states getting screwed over financially. i have to wonder if these policies result in balkanization of India.
I don't think balkanization is possible. Separatism is already a taboo with how much fear mongering their is about Khalistan and anyone who subverts the central government is crushed with sheer force like the Maoists are. This has been the policy since before BJP. The only reprieve I see is that BJP stop being an electoral power at some point when people get sick of them running the country into the ground but I don't know how far away that is.
I don't know, things can spiral out of control pretty quickly especially if BJP decides to enact homogenous Hindutva policies across an extremely diverse country like India.
My favorite part is how they call the state "second-least impoverished" instead of "second wealthiest." They know they can't outright admit anti-capitalism is working for them so they have to twist it and couch their words in doublespeak to make them look bad.
Checking the sources cited in the wikipedia page, it seems that there may be actual justification for not saying "second wealthiest"? The sentence in question specifically links to a 2015 Reserve Bank of India annual report about percentage of population below the poverty line, not state GDP. The other source, a UN/government think tank index of sustainable development goals, also says that as of 2020 Kerala places 2nd in terms of "No Poverty". So, technically, the data being referred to in this specific case was in relation to poverty rates, not wealth.
However, the second source at the same time positions Kerala in 1st place overall among all other Indian states in terms of sustainable development goals generally. So yeah, someone should maybe go and fix the wikipedia page accordingly.