Communists are against consumerism and luxury production as a general rule, on this site alone there’s a lot of mocking of treats, society needs bread but does it need circuses? At what point is asceticism good and when is it reactionary?

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    2 years ago

    No it pretty unambiguously means “countries outside the imperial core that are exploited by imperialism” and is useful for addressing the implications of that fact like @ultraviolet did. Bc other terms for it are either loaded as others have pointed out (3rd world) or carry an implication of chauvinism like “developing countries” so people try not to use them. If you want to reduce all meaningful context down to “this is a term for a general region” then I guess you can say that but it’d be useless to do so.

    Its not perfect bc obviously a lot of imperialized countries aren’t in the literal global south but a lot are that’s how it got it’s start and most people who aren’t being obtuse know what it means in a political discussion and it doesn’t have to match the literal definition to be useful. Real life language is like that some time as terms evolve