• WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Yeah, 100% agreed. There are very sinister connections between UK police, the private sector (a lot of the new police tactical teams that sprung up over the last decade or so are trained by private military contractors) and intelligence services (both military and GCHQ) that goes way beyond even your average :frothingfash: cop - not to downplay how harmful even 'average' chud cops can be, of course.

    It's one of the many reasons I'm almost dreading Keir Starmer getting in more than the current Tory shitshow, a lot of New Labour types are very 'law and order' focused and are all about this sort of shit - I remember reading about the Blair government wanting to use military intelligence tactics and algorithms to try and identify and contain neighbourhoods they thought would be likely to have high rates of crime or political/religious extremism - Can't help but feel those sorts of tactics were perfected in N Ireland.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Absolutely. Starmer himself is unashamedly a wholecloth tool of the intelligence state and people forget the degree to which Blair cabinets were filled with actual fascists when it came to things like law and order and immigration.