You're just a coward larping left while you intentionally and happily advocate for and support the exploitation of sentient beings for your sensory pleasure.

Stop pretending to be a leftist if your empathy ends with humans.

  • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
    2 years ago

    :im-vegan: and nah that wouldn't be weird. Veganism is indeed about a lot more than just food, but that doesn't mean it isn't largely focused on what people choose to eat. I think u/bazingabrain's idea was perfectly fine.

    Anyway, yeah, if you're a leftist but not vegan, you have some self crit you need to do.

    • aph0t1c [des/pair,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      It's not about food. It's only about animal liberation.

      The idea that it's about food is consumerist greenwashing and it's detrimental to the movement.

      • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
        2 years ago

        To deny the large role that food plays in our lives and that it is usually the biggest stumbling block people have with adopting veganism is disingenuous and only makes it harder for those of us trying to promote veganism.

        • Beans1101 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I don't think they are denying the importance of food. They are just saying the point of veganism has never been about food, it's always been about animal liberation. No vegan is trying to convince you to vegan because the food is good (it is!), that is basically just a byproduct. Also I'm happy to share recipes whenever because I enjoy cooking anyway.

          • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
            2 years ago

            If that's the case, I fully agree. As I said in an above comment, veganism is definitely about more than food. To respond to that with "it's not about food." carries the implication that food has almost nothing to do with it when that's just objectively false.

            Veganism is first and foremost about animal liberation. But to tell someone they're "weird" for suggesting regular vegan recipe posts "because it's not about food" is unhelpful at best. Imo, it's that sort of dismissive attitude that is weird. Hopefully that clears things up.

        • aph0t1c [des/pair,comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          100% disagree. Veganism is about animal liberation, while that applies to what we eat and do, if you only care about not exploiting animals if you have sensory pleasure you don't care about animals as much as you claim.

          • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
            2 years ago

            I have no idea how you're reading any of that into what I said. I have agreed multiple times that veganism is indeed about animal liberation, but that denying the massive role that food (and hence factory farming) plays in any liberation effort and calling other users "weird" for suggesting vegan recipe posting is just ridiculous. I can't help but suspect it's just contrarianism or something at this point so I am disengaging.

        • Maaskarpone [they/them]
          2 years ago

          You are plantbased, because you are vegan - you go plantbased in solidarity with animals.

          You are not vegan because you are plantbased.

          Anything that contributes to or upholds or doesn't subvert the common paradigm that "plantbased = vegan" is problematic.

          Veganism is first and foremost an animal rights movement that requires continuous acts of solidarity and activism, and carnists and lib 'vegans' like to forget that for self-interest like convenience and clout.

          Sure, share recipes. But it shouldn't be first on a vegan's priorities. Sharing recipes isn't activism and cannot be the only thing that we do, nor the first thing that comes to mind.