Bass music is truly changing the game right now, and I'd hate for you all to miss it. You know how Aphex Twin was once considered underground, and now his influence can be seen on nearly every electronic producer known to man? This scene, in my opinion, can have that same effect.

All these producers are taking things like funk, psychadelia, dubstep, glitch, etc. and mashing it into this crazy danceable shit. It's breaking music norms, and I think the scene is a sleeping giant. Ganja White Night and Space Jesus kind of broke into the mainstream scene a few years ago, but I think there's more to come.

      • IvanOMartin [any]
        4 years ago


        I have been WAITING for the day when this was a scene! Fuck Vinyl, that's normie shit, we're trading singing fishes of varying rareness!

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Uh, I remember being into drum n bass/Jungle in the 90's.

    This shit isn't new. I'll make a post so you kids can learn something ;)

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Bass music has been around as a scene since 2012, but is just recently getting national attention. May I interest you in some Kursa?

  • Spartacus [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    as a life long bass music fan/participant, i agree

    unfortunately skrillex became a meme, and most people wrote off the whole bass scene as a joke or whatever

  • dakanektr [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Can we just have a general drug music thread in here? I personally detest the bass scene because I watched it ruin the vibe of an amazing festival very quickly but I admit that there is a treasure trove that falls under the bass umbrella.

    Bluetech's albums have changed my life.

    Sines and Singularities

    Elementary Particles

    Love Songs to the Source

    Rainforest Reverberation

    Another unmissable would be Ott's Skylon.

    If you smoke weed, get really fucking high and chill on these cover to cover. If you do other drugs, rinse, repeat.

      • dakanektr [he/him, he/him]
        4 years ago

        Ace is fucking ace.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Which festival? I really only notice bassheads being a problem for certain artists (notably Mala unfortunately).

      • dakanektr [he/him, he/him]
        4 years ago

        Camp Bisco went from a zen wook haven for a diverse mixture of D&B, techno, house, psytrance, jambands, indie and miscellaneous scenes to a perpetual marathon of new-to-the-scene n00bs getting insanely fucked up listening to the same dubstep all day at the stages and at home at their tents all night, essentially saturating the scene cultivated by the oldhead Disco Biscuits fans with the complete shit that Meatcamp dished out.

        It's petty because it's just partying, but Bassnectar truly ruined the old vibe and fucked things up for them. Given what is known now about Bassnectar, it's disturbing to have seen that wave overtake what felt like a sacred thing.

        "Anything you need to make a profit"

        • notthenameiwant [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I went to Bisco in 2018 and never really noticed a ton of problems outside of a crowd at The Floozies and the last Biscuits set. I did hear about the problems Bassnectar fans caused at Bisco though. That’s garbage and shouldn’t be tolerated.

          Hasn't Bassnectar been on the line-up since the start though? Maybe festival crowds just changed?

          • dakanektr [he/him, he/him]
            4 years ago

            Bassnectar's influence was dynamic, he was on early lineups but ascended to higher and higher on the billing and as he went up, the lineup changed to cater to his fans significantly. I'd argue it was the reason shit got out of control at ILCC and they shifted venues to Scranton.

            Festival crowds in general changed, but the explosion in his popularity around 2010 coincided with the college bass scene outsizing the previous existing electronic scene. The money was probably too fucking crazy to turn down for the festival apparatus.

            At the same time there were other festivals that kept more mixed styles present that didn't explode in population, so yeah.

            I personally had my burner phone yanked from my pocket by bassnectar fans in 2015, so I'm not unbiased.

            Overall used to really enjoy some of his mixes, especially when he'd showcase obscure dnb. That became less prominent over time.

            Maybe I'm just grouchy, idk, but the constant overtly aggressive dubstep got old to me by 2012.

        • notthenameiwant [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Alright, but Bass is best explained live. DJ and live sets are really the heart of it. /r/spacebass has more, but there's a ton of outright trap in there. If we're getting really down to it, I think The Ineffable Truth by G Jones might give you a clue as to what I'm talking about


          Desert Dwellers


          Bil Bless

          Ganja White Night

            • notthenameiwant [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Check out every song on their Hybrid distillery album then. Every song is legit.

              EDIT: you might specifically like Kraken and Champagne.

              • leftofthat [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Kraken and Champagne

                Listen I gave this like 3-5 honest google go's and I cannot find who you're referring to. :( It's too general of terms lol

                Edit: OMG they're songs by Ganja White Night I see this now. Awesome thanks again! I thought you meant additional artists.

              • leftofthat [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Check out every song on their Hybrid distillery album then


  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I know that this is not at all whatsoever what you meant by bass music but your post reminded me of The Omnific (two bass players and a drummer)

  • grubbypaw [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Any specific subgenre you think is the most dynamic, cause Bass is pretty broad. Here's a couple I like that I'd consider Bass but feel different than the songs you're posting.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I really hate to be that guy, but the songs you posted aren't really what I'm talking about. Bass music is more in line with things like

      The defining characteristics of a "bass music" artist are usually: "wonky" bass, non-adherence to higher frequencies (much like house has a tendency to do), and the fans doing a ton of Ketamine at their sets. Everything else is up in the air. Things like Psychill, glitch, certain kinds of Dubstep, certain kinds of trap, and downtempo are all considered bass music. Things like DnB and Brostep artists get booked along with them frequently though (see Bassnectar and Excision)

  • buh [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Is bass music related to the future bass genre?

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Not really, since that's closer to garage-y kind of stuff. They are occasionally booked at the same festivals though.