After 2-3 years are regulators all over the world going to slowly stop deepthroating big pharma?
With the autumn vaccination programme, we aim to prevent serious illness, hospitalisation and death. The risk of becoming severely ill from covid-19 increases with age. Therefore, people who have reached the age of 50 and particularly vulnerable people will be offered vaccination.
Who will be offered vaccination against covid-19?
People aged 50 years and over will be offered vaccination.People aged under 50 who are at a higher risk of becoming severely ill from covid-19 will also be offered vaccination against covid-19.
Staff in the healthcare and elderly care sector [...] selected parts of the social services sector who have close contact with patients or citizens who are at higher risk of becoming severely ill from covid-19 [...]
[...] relatives of persons at particularly higher risk [...]
Vaccination of children against covid-19
From 1 July 2022, it was no longer possible for children and adolescents aged under 18 to get the first injection and, from 1 September 2022, it was no longer possible for them to get the second injection.
Pharma companies are awful, but this policy is also awful.