discovered this guy tonight. he thinks he’s gonna be the next president of China but is campaigning in English on western social media. def not a psyop! /s

he says he’s gonna democratize China and his first action as president will be to apologize to the world for covid hahaha

“once China becomes a democratic country it will give american entrepreneurs and companies lots of opportunities in the Chinese market” agony-deep

he “respects” the “special requests” of the LGBT community but will enact legislation to “protect the children”


  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    6 months ago

    He has like two or three videos on the LGBT community, and in all of them he basically says the exact same thing about "we will respect you, but muh children". It tells you everything about where his priorities lie. He also wants a good relationship with both Russia and the US. Foreign chuds will love him. I wish him luck.
