They're not relevant in the slightest IRL.

Anyone want to explain why I see so much shit about patsocs in every online leftist space, all of which is totally divorced from things people actually give a shit about IRL?

It seems there's this trend where some patsocist says something absurd online -> everyone rushes to dunk/criticize/make fun of it -> the patsoc's message gets amplified to the millionth degree. Do content creators not realize that shitting out 500 videos/threads/posts/etc dunking on something that only exists online is only going to amplify it further?

  • TankBombadil [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Redistributive politics tied to nationalism rather than class.

    I don't think that's going to happen with this current generation in power, but I could see that happening to the young on the right. So PatSocs of today could be the America First Party of twenty years from now.